
PHIXXAndrew Kinlochan 在2003年 come out 後曾說過:PHIXX 已經有四個人是女孩子的偶像,應該要有一個人來贏取男孩子們的愛。
因此在坊間(←也就是我跟貓大之間)就開始流傳一個沒有經過證實的數據資料:男孩團體凡是五個人裡一定有一個是 gay,但日本團體例外。

Andrew Kinlochan

原本也是五人團體的 Westlife, 成員之一的 Mark Feehily 在8月19日 come out 了!

「I want people to know the truth about my sexuality. I am gay and I'm not asking for any sympathy, or to be a role model to anyone else.
I simply felt it was the right time for me to let people know the truth.
I've never tried to hide who I am from anyone, but I'm a very private person and in the past I haven't felt the need to say anything about my sexuality.
But I want people to know I'm very comfortable with who I am.
I think the culture we live in today is different and that people’s attitudes towards homosexuality have changed. I don’t think my life will change dramatically as a result of me doing this interview today.
I’m still the same person I was the day before. I’m sure Westlife fans will be pleased that I’m happy. I don’t think it changes anything.

The Sun/
有興趣的人可以去 Mark Feehily 的 fan site 看這篇訪問→
Mark Feehily 目前的交往對象是另一個男孩團體 V 的成員 Kevin McDaid
V 同樣也是五個人啊~XD

※2003年10月跟老公在街頭打架的 Stephen Gately ,他之前的團體 Boyzone ,也是一個五人團體。


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